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发表于 2018-9-13 15:32:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. function zi = interp2(varargin)
  2. %二元函数网格数据的插值
  3. %ZI=interp2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI,'方法')  求二元函数z=f(x,y)的插值.
  4. %   这里X,Y,Z是同维数矩阵表示网格数据,XI,YI,ZI是同维数矩阵表示插值点.
  5. %或ZI=interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi)其中,x,xi为行向量,y,yi为列向量.
  6. %  'bilinear',使用双线性插值(默认)
  7. %  'spline' 使用二元三次样条插值.
  8. %  'cubic' 使用二元三次插值.
  9. %例如
  10. %   clear;close;x=0:4;y=2:4;
  11. %   Z=[82 81 80 82 84;79 63 61 65 81;84 84 82 85 86];
  12. %   [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);
  13. %   subplot(2,1,1);
  14. %   mesh(X,Y,Z);title('RAW DATA');
  15. %   xi=0:0.1:4;yi=2:0.2:4;
  16. %   [XI,YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
  17. %   zspline=interp2(x,y,z,XI,YI,'spline');
  18. %   subplot(2,1,2);
  19. %   mesh(XI,YI,zspline);
  20. %   title('SPLINE');
  21. %
  22. %INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup).
  23. %   ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI, the values of the
  24. %   underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI.
  25. %   Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given.
  26. %   Out of range values are returned as NaN.
  27. %
  28. %   XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with
  29. %   constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it
  30. %   specifies a matrix with constant rows.
  31. %
  32. %   ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z).
  33. %   ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between
  34. %   every element, working recursively for NTIMES.  INTERP2(Z) is the
  35. %   same as INTERP2(Z,1).
  36. %
  37. %   ZI = INTERP2(...,'method') specifies alternate methods.  The default
  38. %   is linear interpolation.  Available methods are:
  39. %
  40. %     'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation
  41. %     'linear'  - bilinear interpolation
  42. %     'cubic'   - bicubic interpolation
  43. %     'spline'  - spline interpolation
  44. %
  45. %   All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and
  46. %   plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID).  X and Y can be
  47. %   non-uniformly spaced.  For faster interpolation when X and Y are
  48. %   equally spaced and monotonic, use the methods '*linear', '*cubic', or
  49. %   '*nearest'.
  50. %
  51. %   For example, to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and
  52. %   interpolate over a finer mesh:
  53. %       [x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);
  54. %       zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi)
  55. %      

  57. %   Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  58. %   $Revision: 5.26 $

  59. error(nargchk(1,6,nargin));

  60. bypass = 0;
  61. uniform = 1;
  62. if isstr(varargin{end}),
  63.   narg = nargin-1;
  64.   method = [varargin{end} '    ']; % Protect against short string.
  65.   if method(1)=='*', % Direct call bypass.
  66.     if method(2)=='l' | all(method(2:4)=='bil'), % bilinear interpolation.
  67.       zi = linear(varargin{1:end-1});
  68.       return

  69.     elseif method(2)=='c' | all(method(2:4)=='bic'), % bicubic interpolation
  70.       zi = cubic(varargin{1:end-1});
  71.       return

  72.     elseif method(2)=='n', % Nearest neighbor interpolation
  73.       zi = nearest(varargin{1:end-1});
  74.       return
  76.     elseif method(2)=='s', % spline interpolation
  77.       method = 'spline'; bypass = 1;

  78.     else
  79.       error([deblank(method),' is an invalid method.']);

  80.     end
  81.   elseif method(1)=='s', % Spline interpolation
  82.     method = 'spline'; bypass = 1;
  83.   end

  84. else
  85.   narg = nargin;
  86.   method = 'linear';
  87. end

  88. if narg==1, % interp2(z), % Expand Z
  89.   [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1});
  90.   xi = 1:.5:ncols; yi = (1:.5:nrows)';
  91.   x = 1:ncols; y = (1:nrows);
  92.   [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1},xi,yi);

  93. elseif narg==2. % interp2(z,n), Expand Z n times
  94.   [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1});
  95.   ntimes = floor(varargin{2}(1));
  96.   xi = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; yi = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)';
  97.   x = 1:ncols; y = (1:nrows);
  98.   [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1},xi,yi);

  99. elseif narg==3, % interp2(z,xi,yi)
  100.   [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1});
  101.   x = 1:ncols; y = (1:nrows);
  102.   [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1:3});

  103. elseif narg==4,
  104.   error('Wrong number of input arguments.');

  105. elseif narg==5, % linear(x,y,z,xi,yi)
  106.   [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(varargin{1:5});

  107. end

  108. if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end

  109. %
  110. % Check for plaid data.
  111. %
  112. xx = x(1,:); yy = y(:,1);
  113. if (size(x,2)>1 & ~isequal(repmat(xx,size(x,1),1),x)) | ...
  114.    (size(y,1)>1 & ~isequal(repmat(yy,1,size(y,2)),y)),
  115.   error(sprintf(['X and Y must be matrices produced by MESHGRID. Use' ...
  116.      ' GRIDDATA instead \nof INTERP2 for scattered data.']));
  117. end

  118. %
  119. % Check for non-equally spaced data.  If so, map (x,y) and
  120. % (xi,yi) to matrix (row,col) coordinate system.
  121. %
  122. if ~bypass,
  123.   xx = xx.'; % Make sure it's a column.
  124.   dx = diff(xx); dy = diff(yy);
  125.   xdiff = max(abs(diff(dx))); if isempty(xdiff), xdiff = 0; end
  126.   ydiff = max(abs(diff(dy))); if isempty(ydiff), ydiff = 0; end
  127.   if (xdiff > eps*max(abs(xx))) | (ydiff > eps*max(abs(yy))),
  128.     if any(dx < 0), % Flip orientation of data so x is increasing.
  129.       x = fliplr(x); y = fliplr(y); z = fliplr(z);
  130.       xx = flipud(xx); dx = -flipud(dx);
  131.     end
  132.     if any(dy < 0), % Flip orientation of data so y is increasing.
  133.       x = flipud(x); y = flipud(y); z = flipud(z);
  134.       yy = flipud(yy); dy = -flipud(dy);
  135.     end
  137.     if any(dx<=0) | any(dy<=0),
  138.       error('X and Y must be monotonic vectors or matrices produced by MESHGRID.');
  139.     end
  141.     % Bypass mapping code for cubic
  142.     if method(1)~='c',
  143.       % Determine the nearest location of xi in x
  144.       [xxi,j] = sort(xi(:));
  145.       [dum,i] = sort([xx;xxi]);
  146.       ui(i) = (1:length(i));
  147.       ui = (ui(length(xx)+1:end)-(1:length(xxi)))';
  148.       ui(j) = ui;
  150.       % Map values in xi to index offset (ui) via linear interpolation
  151.       ui(ui<1) = 1;
  152.       ui(ui>length(xx)-1) = length(xx)-1;
  153.       ui = ui + (xi(:)-xx(ui))./(xx(ui+1)-xx(ui));
  155.       % Determine the nearest location of yi in y
  156.       [yyi,j] = sort(yi(:));
  157.       [dum,i] = sort([yy;yyi(:)]);
  158.       vi(i) = (1:length(i));
  159.       vi = (vi(length(yy)+1:end)-(1:length(yyi)))';
  160.       vi(j) = vi;
  162.       % Map values in yi to index offset (vi) via linear interpolation
  163.       vi(vi<1) = 1;
  164.       vi(vi>length(yy)-1) = length(yy)-1;
  165.       vi = vi + (yi(:)-yy(vi))./(yy(vi+1)-yy(vi));
  167.       [x,y] = meshgrid(1:size(x,2),1:size(y,1));
  168.       xi(:) = ui; yi(:) = vi;
  169.     else
  170.       uniform = 0;
  171.     end
  172.   end
  173. end

  174. % Now do the interpolation based on method.
  175. method = [lower(method),'   ']; % Protect against short string

  176. if method(1)=='l' | all(method(1:3)=='bil'), % bilinear interpolation.
  177.   zi = linear(x,y,z,xi,yi);

  178. elseif method(1)=='c' | all(method(1:3)=='bic'), % bicubic interpolation
  179.   if uniform
  180.     zi = cubic(x,y,z,xi,yi);
  181.   else
  182.     d = find(xi < min(x(:)) | xi > max(x(:)) | ...
  183.              yi < min(y(:)) | yi > max(y(:)));
  184.     zi = spline2(x,y,z,xi,yi);
  185.     zi(d) = NaN;
  186.   end

  187. elseif method(1)=='n', % Nearest neighbor interpolation
  188.   zi = nearest(x,y,z,xi,yi);

  189. elseif method(1)=='s', % Spline interpolation
  190.   zi = spline2(x,y,z,xi,yi);

  191. else
  192.   error([deblank(method),' is an invalid method.']);

  193. end

  194. %------------------------------------------------------
  195. function F = linear(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
  196. %LINEAR 2-D bilinear data interpolation.
  197. %   ZI = LINEAR(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) uses bilinear interpolation to
  198. %   find ZI, the values of the underlying 2-D function in Z at the points
  199. %   in matrices XI and YI.  Matrices X and Y specify the points at which
  200. %   the data Z is given.  X and Y can also be vectors specifying the
  201. %   abscissae for the matrix Z as for MESHGRID. In both cases, X
  202. %   and Y must be equally spaced and monotonic.
  203. %
  204. %   Values of NaN are returned in ZI for values of XI and YI that are
  205. %   outside of the range of X and Y.
  206. %
  207. %   If XI and YI are vectors, LINEAR returns vector ZI containing
  208. %   the interpolated values at the corresponding points (XI,YI).
  209. %
  210. %   ZI = LINEAR(Z,XI,YI) assumes X = 1:N and Y = 1:M, where
  211. %   [M,N] = SIZE(Z).
  212. %
  213. %   ZI = LINEAR(Z,NTIMES) returns the matrix Z expanded by interleaving
  214. %   bilinear interpolates between every element, working recursively
  215. %   for NTIMES.  LINEAR(Z) is the same as LINEAR(Z,1).
  216. %
  217. %   This function needs about 4 times SIZE(XI) memory to be available.
  218. %
  219. %   See also INTERP2, CUBIC.

  220. %   Clay M. Thompson 4-26-91, revised 7-3-91, 3-22-93 by CMT.

  221. if nargin==1, % linear(z), Expand Z
  222.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  223.   s = 1:.5:ncols; sizs = size(s);
  224.   t = (1:.5:nrows)'; sizt = size(t);
  225.   s = s(ones(sizt),:);
  226.   t = t(:,ones(sizs));

  227. elseif nargin==2, % linear(z,n), Expand Z n times
  228.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  229.   ntimes = floor(arg2);
  230.   s = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; sizs = size(s);
  231.   t = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; sizt = size(t);
  232.   s = s(ones(sizt),:);
  233.   t = t(:,ones(sizs));

  234. elseif nargin==3, % linear(z,s,t), No X or Y specified.
  235.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  236.   s = arg2; t = arg3;

  237. elseif nargin==4,
  238.   error('Wrong number of input arguments.');

  239. elseif nargin==5, % linear(x,y,z,s,t), X and Y specified.
  240.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3);
  241.   mx = prod(size(arg1)); my = prod(size(arg2));
  242.   if any([mx my] ~= [ncols nrows]) & ...
  243.      ~isequal(size(arg1),size(arg2),size(arg3))
  244.     error('The lengths of the X and Y vectors must match Z.');
  245.   end
  246.   if any([nrows ncols]<[2 2]), error('Z must be at least 2-by-2.'); end
  247.   s = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
  248.   t = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
  250. end

  251. if any([nrows ncols]<[2 2]), error('Z must be at least 2-by-2.'); end
  252. if ~isequal(size(s),size(t)),
  253.   error('XI and YI must be the same size.');
  254. end

  255. % Check for out of range values of s and set to 1
  256. sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols));
  257. if length(sout)>0, s(sout) = ones(size(sout)); end

  258. % Check for out of range values of t and set to 1
  259. tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows));
  260. if length(tout)>0, t(tout) = ones(size(tout)); end

  261. % Matrix element indexing
  262. ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*nrows;

  263. % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
  264. if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end
  265. s(:) = (s - floor(s));
  266. if length(d)>0, s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows; end

  267. % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
  268. if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end
  269. t(:) = (t - floor(t));
  270. if length(d)>0, t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end
  271. d = [];

  272. % Now interpolate, reuse u and v to save memory.
  273. if nargin==5,
  274.   F =  ( arg3(ndx).*(1-t) + arg3(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
  275.        ( arg3(ndx+nrows).*(1-t) + arg3(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s;
  276. else
  277.   F =  ( arg1(ndx).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
  278.        ( arg1(ndx+nrows).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s;
  279. end

  280. % Now set out of range values to NaN.
  281. if length(sout)>0, F(sout) = NaN; end
  282. if length(tout)>0, F(tout) = NaN; end

  283. %------------------------------------------------------
  284. function F = cubic(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
  285. %CUBIC 2-D bicubic data interpolation.
  286. %   CUBIC(...) is the same as LINEAR(....) except that it uses
  287. %   bicubic interpolation.
  288. %   
  289. %   This function needs about 7-8 times SIZE(XI) memory to be available.
  290. %
  291. %   See also LINEAR.

  292. %   Clay M. Thompson 4-26-91, revised 7-3-91, 3-22-93 by CMT.

  293. %   Based on "Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image
  294. %   Processing", Robert G. Keys, IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and
  295. %   Signal Processing, Vol. 29, No. 6, Dec. 1981, pp. 1153-1160.

  296. if nargin==1, % cubic(z), Expand Z
  297.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  298.   s = 1:.5:ncols; sizs = size(s);
  299.   t = (1:.5:nrows)'; sizt = size(t);
  300.   s = s(ones(sizt),:);
  301.   t = t(:,ones(sizs));

  302. elseif nargin==2, % cubic(z,n), Expand Z n times
  303.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  304.   ntimes = floor(arg2);
  305.   s = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; sizs = size(s);
  306.   t = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; sizt = size(t);
  307.   s = s(ones(sizt),:);
  308.   t = t(:,ones(sizs));

  309. elseif nargin==3, % cubic(z,s,t), No X or Y specified.
  310.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  311.   s = arg2; t = arg3;

  312. elseif nargin==4,
  313.   error('Wrong number of input arguments.');

  314. elseif nargin==5, % cubic(x,y,z,s,t), X and Y specified.
  315.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3);
  316.   mx = prod(size(arg1)); my = prod(size(arg2));
  317.   if any([mx my] ~= [ncols nrows]) & ...
  318.      ~isequal(size(arg1),size(arg2),size(arg3))
  319.     error('The lengths of the X and Y vectors must match Z.');
  320.   end
  321.   if any([nrows ncols]<[3 3]), error('Z must be at least 3-by-3.'); end
  322.   s = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
  323.   t = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
  325. end

  326. if any([nrows ncols]<[3 3]), error('Z must be at least 3-by-3.'); end
  327. if ~isequal(size(s),size(t)),
  328.   error('XI and YI must be the same size.');
  329. end

  330. % Check for out of range values of s and set to 1
  331. sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols));
  332. if length(sout)>0, s(sout) = ones(size(sout)); end

  333. % Check for out of range values of t and set to 1
  334. tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows));
  335. if length(tout)>0, t(tout) = ones(size(tout)); end

  336. % Matrix element indexing
  337. ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*(nrows+2);

  338. % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
  339. if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end
  340. s(:) = (s - floor(s));
  341. if length(d)>0, s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows-2; end

  342. % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
  343. if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end
  344. t(:) = (t - floor(t));
  345. if length(d)>0, t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end
  346. d = [];

  347. if nargin==5,
  348.   % Expand z so interpolation is valid at the boundaries.
  349.   zz = zeros(size(arg3)+2);
  350.   zz(1,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg3(1,:)-3*arg3(2,:)+arg3(3,:);
  351.   zz(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1) = arg3;
  352.   zz(nrows+2,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg3(nrows,:)-3*arg3(nrows-1,:)+arg3(nrows-2,:);
  353.   zz(:,1) = 3*zz(:,2)-3*zz(:,3)+zz(:,4);
  354.   zz(:,ncols+2) = 3*zz(:,ncols+1)-3*zz(:,ncols)+zz(:,ncols-1);
  355.   nrows = nrows+2; ncols = ncols+2;
  356. else
  357.   % Expand z so interpolation is valid at the boundaries.
  358.   zz = zeros(size(arg1)+2);
  359.   zz(1,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg1(1,:)-3*arg1(2,:)+arg1(3,:);
  360.   zz(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1) = arg1;
  361.   zz(nrows+2,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg1(nrows,:)-3*arg1(nrows-1,:)+arg1(nrows-2,:);
  362.   zz(:,1) = 3*zz(:,2)-3*zz(:,3)+zz(:,4);
  363.   zz(:,ncols+2) = 3*zz(:,ncols+1)-3*zz(:,ncols)+zz(:,ncols-1);
  364.   nrows = nrows+2; ncols = ncols+2;
  365. end

  366. % Now interpolate using computationally efficient algorithm.
  367. t0 = ((2-t).*t-1).*t;
  368. t1 = (3*t-5).*t.*t+2;
  369. t2 = ((4-3*t).*t+1).*t;
  370. t(:) = (t-1).*t.*t;
  371. F     = ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ...
  372.         .* (((2-s).*s-1).*s);
  373. ndx(:) = ndx + nrows;
  374. F(:)  = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ...
  375.         .* ((3*s-5).*s.*s+2);
  376. ndx(:) = ndx + nrows;
  377. F(:)  = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ...
  378.         .* (((4-3*s).*s+1).*s);
  379. ndx(:) = ndx + nrows;
  380. F(:)  = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ...
  381.        .* ((s-1).*s.*s);
  382. F(:) = F/4;

  383. % Now set out of range values to NaN.
  384. if length(sout)>0, F(sout) = NaN; end
  385. if length(tout)>0, F(tout) = NaN; end

  386. %------------------------------------------------------
  387. function F = nearest(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
  388. %NEAREST 2-D Nearest neighbor interpolation.
  389. %   ZI = NEAREST(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) uses nearest neighbor interpolation to
  390. %   find ZI, the values of the underlying 2-D function in Z at the points
  391. %   in matrices XI and YI.  Matrices X and Y specify the points at which
  392. %   the data Z is given.  X and Y can also be vectors specifying the
  393. %   abscissae for the matrix Z as for MESHGRID. In both cases, X
  394. %   and Y must be equally spaced and monotonic.
  395. %
  396. %   Values of NaN are returned in ZI for values of XI and YI that are
  397. %   outside of the range of X and Y.
  398. %
  399. %   If XI and YI are vectors, NEAREST returns vector ZI containing
  400. %   the interpolated values at the corresponding points (XI,YI).
  401. %
  402. %   ZI = NEAREST(Z,XI,YI) assumes X = 1:N and Y = 1:M, where
  403. %   [M,N] = SIZE(Z).
  404. %
  405. %   F = NEAREST(Z,NTIMES) returns the matrix Z expanded by interleaving
  406. %   interpolates between every element.  NEAREST(Z) is the same as
  407. %   NEAREST(Z,1).
  408. %
  409. %   See also INTERP2, LINEAR, CUBIC.

  410. %   Clay M. Thompson 4-26-91, revised 7-3-91 by CMT.

  411. if nargin==1, % nearest(z), Expand Z
  412.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  413.   u = ones(2*nrows-1,1)*(1:.5:ncols);
  414.   v = (1:.5:nrows)'*ones(1,2*ncols-1);

  415. elseif nargin==2, % nearest(z,n), Expand Z n times
  416.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  417.   ntimes = floor(arg2);
  418.   u = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; sizu = size(u);
  419.   v = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; sizv = size(v);
  420.   u = u(ones(sizv),:);
  421.   v = v(:,ones(sizu));

  422. elseif nargin==3, % nearest(z,u,v)
  423.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1);
  424.   u = arg2; v = arg3;

  425. elseif nargin==4,
  426.   error('Wrong number of input arguments.');

  427. elseif nargin==5, % nearest(x,y,z,u,v), X and Y specified.
  428.   [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3);
  429.   mx = prod(size(arg1)); my = prod(size(arg2));
  430.   if any([mx my] ~= [ncols nrows]) & (size(arg1)~=size(arg3) |   ...
  431.     size(arg2)~=size(arg3)),
  432.     error('The lengths of the X and Y vectors must match Z.');
  433.   end
  434.   if all([nrows ncols]>[1 1]),
  435.     u = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
  436.     v = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
  437.   else
  438.     u = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1));
  439.     v = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1));
  440.   end
  441. end

  442. if size(u)~=size(v), error('XI and YI must be the same size.'); end

  443. % Check for out of range values of u and set to 1
  444. uout = (u<.5)|(u>=ncols+.5);
  445. nuout = sum(uout(:));
  446. if any(uout(:)), u(uout) = ones(nuout,1); end

  447. % Check for out of range values of v and set to 1
  448. vout = (v<.5)|(v>=nrows+.5);
  449. nvout = sum(vout(:));
  450. if any(vout(:)), v(vout) = ones(nvout,1); end

  451. % Interpolation parameters
  452. s = (u - round(u));  t = (v - round(v));
  453. u = round(u); v = round(v);

  454. % Now interpolate
  455. ndx = v+(u-1)*nrows;
  456. if nargin==5,
  457.   F = arg3(ndx);
  458. else
  459.   F = arg1(ndx);
  460. end

  461. % Now set out of range values to NaN.
  462. if any(uout(:)), F(uout) = NaN; end
  463. if any(vout(:)), F(vout) = NaN; end

  464. %----------------------------------------------------------
  465. function F = spline2(varargin)
  466. %2-D spline interpolation

  467. % Determine abscissa vectors
  468. varargin{1} = varargin{1}(1,:);
  469. varargin{2} = varargin{2}(:,1).';

  470. %
  471. % Check for plaid data.
  472. %
  473. xi = varargin{4}; yi = varargin{5};
  474. xxi = xi(1,:); yyi = yi(:,1);
  475. if (size(xi,2)>1 & ~isequal(repmat(xxi,size(xi,1),1),xi)) | ...
  476.    (size(yi,1)>1 & ~isequal(repmat(yyi,1,size(yi,2)),yi)),
  477.   F = splncore(varargin(2:-1:1),varargin{3},varargin(5:-1:4));
  478. else
  479.   F = splncore(varargin(2:-1:1),varargin{3},{yyi(:).' xxi},'gridded');
  480. end

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