





第1篇 综合
1-1 国内生产总值指数  3
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1-2 国内生产总值构成  4
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
1-3 三次产业贡献率  5
Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of GDP
1-4 三大需求对国内生产总值增长的贡献率和拉动 6
Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP by Expenditure Approach to the Growth of GDP
1-5 人口数及构成  7
Population and Its Composition
1-6 居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 8
Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices
1-7 居民人均可支配收入与支出  9
National Average Disposable Income and Expenditure
1-8 城镇居民人均可支配收入与支出  9
Average Disposable Income and Expenditure of Urban
1-9 农村居民人均可支配收入与支出  10
Average Disposable Income and Expenditure of Rural
第2篇 消费品市场
Consumer Goods Market
2-1 历年社会消费品零售总额  13
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
2-2 各地区社会消费品零售总额  14
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region
2-3 各地区社会消费品零售总额构成  15
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region
2-4 分地区网上零售额(2016 年)  16
Online Retail Sales by Region (2016)
2-5 亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况  17
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan
2-6 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况  19
Classification of Booths of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan
2-7 各地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 20
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region
第3篇 批发和零售业
Wholesale And Retail Trades
3-1-1 限额以上批发和零售业企业基本情况  22
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3-1-2 各地区限额以上批发业企业基本情况  26
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3-1-3 各地区限额以上批发业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) 27
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-1-4 各地区限额以上批发业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) 32
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3-1-5 各地区限额以上零售业企业基本情况  36
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
3-1-6 各地区限额以上零售业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) 37
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-1-7 各地区限额以上零售业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) 42
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3-2-1 限额以上批发和零售业企业商品购、销、存情况 46
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3-2-2 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存情况 54
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3-2-3 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存情况(按登记注册类型分) 56
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-2-4 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存情况(按国民经济行业分) 67
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3-2-5 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存情况 76
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
3-2-6 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存情况(按登记注册类型分) 78
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-2-7 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存情况(按国民经济行业分) 89
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3-2-8 限额以上批发和零售业商品销售类值  98
Sale Values of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category of Commodities
3-2-9 各地区限额以上批发和零售业商品销售类值 100
Sale Values of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category of Commodities and Region
3-3-1 限额以上批发和零售业企业年末资产负债 138
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades at the Year-end
3-3-2 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债 146
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region at the Year-end
3-3-3 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) 148
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Type of Registration at the Year-end
3-3-4 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分) 159
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector at the Year-end
3-3-5 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债 168
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region at the Year-end
3-3-6 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) 170
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Type of Registration at the Year-end
3-3-7 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分) 181
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector at the Year-end
3-4-1 限额以上批发和零售业企业损益及分配 190
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3-4-2 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配 206
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3-4-3 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) 210
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-4-4 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) 232
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3-4-5 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配 250
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
3-4-6 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) 254
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Type of Registration
3-4-7 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) 276
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3-5-1 限额以上批发和零售业产业活动单位和个体经营户基本情况 294
Basic Conditions of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3-5-2 各地区限额以上批发和零售业产业活动单位和个体经营户基本情况 298
Basic Conditions of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Region
3-5-3 限额以上批发和零售业产业活动单位和个体经营户商品购、销、存总额 299
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3-5-4 各地区限额以上批发业产业活动单位和个体经营户商品购、销、存情况 303
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3-5-5 各地区限额以上零售业产业活动单位和个体经营户商品购、销、存情况 304
Total Purchases, Sales and Inventory of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
3-6-1 按业态分连锁零售企业基本情况  305
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Business Categories
3-6-2 按登记注册类型分连锁零售企业基本情况 306
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Status of Registration
3-6-3 按行业分连锁零售企业基本情况  307
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector
3-6-4 各地区连锁零售企业基本情况  309
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Region
第4篇 住宿和餐饮业
Hotels And Catering Services
4-1-1 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业基本情况 313
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services
4-1-2 各地区限额以上住宿业企业基本情况 315
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region
4-1-3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) 316
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Type of Registration
4-1-4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) 321
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4-1-5 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业基本情况 322
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region
4-1-6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) 323
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Type of Registration
4-1-7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) 328
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector
4-2-1 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况 330
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services
4-2-2 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营情况 334
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region
4-2-3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营情况(按登记注册类型分) 336
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Type of Registration
4-2-4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营情况(按国民经济行业分) 347
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4-2-5 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况 350
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region
4-2-6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况(按登记注册类型分) 352
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Type of Registration
4-2-7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况(按国民经济行业分) 363
Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector
4-3-1 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业年末资产负债 367
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services at the Year-end
4-3-2 各地区限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业年末资产负债 372
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Region at the Year-end
4-3-3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债 373
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region at the Year-end
4-3-4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) 375
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Type of Registration at the Year-end
4-3-5 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分) 386
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector at the Year-end
4-3-6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债 389
Assets and Liabilitiest of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region at the Year-end
4-3-7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) 391
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Type of Registration at the Year-end
4-3-8 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业) 402
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector at the Year-end
4-4-1 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业损益及分配 406
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services
4-4-2 各地区限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业损益及分配 414
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Region
4-4-3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配 416
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region
4-4-4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) 420
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Type of Registration
4-4-5 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) 442
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4-4-6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业损益及分配 448
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region
4-4-7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) 452
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Type of Registration
4-4-8 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) 474
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector
4-5-1 限额以上住宿和餐饮业产业活动单位和个体经营户基本情况 482
Basic Conditions of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services
4-5-2 各地区限额以上住宿和餐饮业产业活动单位和个体经营户基本情况 485
Basic Conditions of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Region
4-5-3 限额以上住宿和餐饮业产业活动单位和个体经营户经营情况 486
Business of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services
4-5-4 各地区限额以上住宿业产业活动单位和个体经营户经营情况 490
Business of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Hotels by Region
4-5-5 各地区限额以上餐饮业产业活动单位和个体经营户经营情况 491
Business of Establishments and Getihus above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region
4-6-1 按登记注册类型分连锁餐饮企业基本情况 492
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Status of Registration
4-6-2 按行业分连锁餐饮企业基本情况  494
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Sector
4-6-3 各地区连锁餐饮企业基本情况  495
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Region
第5篇 国际收支
Balance Of Payments
5-1 国际收支概况  499
Brief Table of BOP of China
5-2 国际收支平衡表  500
Balance of Payments
5-3 外债概况  503
Notes of China's External Debt at the Year-end
5-4 外债风险指标  504
Risk Indicators on Foreign Debts
5-5 人民币市场汇率(年平均汇价)  505
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi(Period Average)
5-6 人民币市场汇率(年末价)  506
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi(End of Period)
5-7 国家外汇储备和外债余额  507
Foreign Exchange Reserves and Outstanding External Debt
第6篇 对外贸易
Foreign Trade
6-1 进出口额(按人民币计算)  511
Total Value of Imports and Exports by RMB
6-2 进出口额(按美元计算)  512
Total Value of Imports and Exports by USD
6-3 进出口额指数(按美元计算)  513
Indices of Total Value of Imports and Exports by USD
6-4 进出口额增长速度(按美元计算)  514
Growth Rates of Import and Export Value by USD
6-5 中国出口额占国内生产总值的比重  515
China's Export Proportion in GDP
6-6 中国出口额占世界出口总额的比重和位次 516
China's Export Share and Ranking in the World
6-7 分贸易方式进出口总额  517
Imports and Exports by Customs Regime
6-8 一般贸易与加工贸易进出口额  518
Imports and Exports by Conventional Trade and Processing Trade
6-9 一般贸易与加工贸易进出口增长速度 519
Growth Rates of Imports and Exports by Conventional Trade and Processing Trade
6-10 按国际贸易标准分类的进出口简表  520
Brief Table of Imports and Exports by SITC
6-11 按国际贸易标准分类的进出口增长速度 521
Growth Rates of Imports and Exports by SITC
6-12 按国际贸易标准分类的出口商品金额 522
Value of Exports by SITC
6-13 按国际贸易标准分类的进口商品金额 522
Value of Imports by SITC
6-14 按国际贸易标准分类的出口商品构成 523
Composition of Exports by SITC
6-15 按国际贸易标准分类的进口商品构成 523
Composition of Imports by SITC
6-16 出口商品分类金额  524
Value of Exports by HS
6-17 进口商品分类金额  529
Value of Imports by HS
6-18 一般贸易进出口商品分类金额  534
Value of Imports and Exports in Ordinary by HS
6-19 加工贸易进出口商品分类金额  539
Value of Imports and Exports in Processing Trade by HS
6-20 对香港地区进出口商品分类金额  544
Value of Exports and Imports from Hongkong by HS
6-21 对台湾地区进出口商品分类金额  549
Value of Exports and Imports from Taiwan Province by HS
6-22 对日本进出口商品分类金额  554
Value of Exports and Imports from Japan by HS
6-23 对欧洲联盟进出口商品分类金额  559
Value of Exports to and Imports from EU by HS
6-24 对美国进出口商品分类金额  564
Value of Exports and Imports from United States by HS
6-25 我国同各国(地区)海关进出口总额  569
China's Foreign Trade with Related Countries and Territories
6-26 主要出口商品数量和金额  574
Major Export Commodities in Quantity and Value
6-27 主要进口商品数量和金额  578
Major Import Commodities in Quantity and Value
6-28 各地区进出口总额(按境内目的地、货源地分) 580
Import and Export Value by Region in Border According to Destination or Source of Goods
6-29 各地区进出口总额(按收发货人所在地分) 581
Import and Export Value by Location of Importers and Exporters
6-30 外商投资企业出口额  582
Exports of Foreign-funded Enterprises
6-31 外商投资企业进口额  583
Imports of Foreign-funded Enterprises
6-32 各地区外商投资企业进出口额  584
Exports and Imports of Foreign-funded Enterprises by Region in Border
6-33 各地区中外合资企业进出口额  585
Exports and Imports of Equity Joint Ventures by Region in Border
6-34 各地区中外合作企业进出口额  586
Exports and Imports of Contractual Joint Ventures by Region in Border
6-35 各地区外商独资企业进出口额  587
Exports and Imports of Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises by Region in Border
6-36 经济特区中外合资企业进出口额  588
Exports and Imports of Equity Joint Ventures in Special Economic Zone
6-37 经济特区中外合作企业进出口额  588
Exports and Imports of Contractual Joint Ventures in Special Economic Zone
6-38 经济特区外商独资企业进出口额  588
Exports and Imports of Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises in Special Economic Zone
第7篇 外资
Foreign Capital
7-1 利用外资合同金额  591
Contractual Amount of Foreign Capital
7-2 实际利用外资额  592
Amount of Foreign Capital Used
7-3 分方式外商投资  593
Foreign Direct and Other Investment by Form
7-4 外商直接投资行业分布(2016年)  594
Foreign Direct Investment by Sector
7-5 分国别(地区)外商实际投资  595
Utilization of Foreign Direct and Other Investment by Country or Region
7-6 历年外商投资企业登记概况  599
Status of Registered Enterprises with Foreign Capital
7-7 年末登记外商投资企业行业分布情况(2016年) 600
Registered Foreign-funded Enterprises by Sector at the Year-end
7-8 各地区年末登记的外商投资企业数及投资额 601
Number and Investment of Registered Enterprise with Foreign Capital by Region or Department at the Year-end
7-9 各地区外商投资企业年末注册资本  602
Registered Capital of Foreign-funded Enterprise by Region or Department at the Year-end
第8篇 对外合作
International Cooperation
8-1 对外经济合作概况  605
Foreign Economic Cooperation
8-2 分国别(地区)对外承包工程合同数量及金额 606
Contracts Signed for Foreign Engineering Projects by Country or Region
8-3 分国别(地区)对外承包工程营业额  610
Turnover of Foreign Engineering Projects by Country or Region
8-4 分国别(地区)年末在境外从事承包工程人员 614
Personnel Abroad for Engineering Projects Classified by Country or Region at the Year-end
8-5 分国别(地区)年末在境外从事劳务合作人员 618
Personnel Abroad for Labour Services Classified by Country or Region at the Year-end
8-6 分地区签订对外承包工程合同数量及金额 622
Contracts Signed for Foreign Engineering Projects by Region
8-7 分地区对外承包工程营业额  623
Turnover of Foreign Engineering Projects by Region
8-8 分地区年末在境外从事承包工程人数  624
Personnel Abroad for Foreign Engineering Projects Classified by Region at the Year-end
8-9 分地区年末在境外从事劳务合作人数  625
Personnel Abroad for Foreign Labour Services Classified by Region at the Year-end
第9篇 旅游
9-1 历年入境游客  629
Visitor Arrivals
9-2 历年入境游客增长速度  630
Growth Rates of Visitor Arrivals
9-3 历年入境过夜游客和国际旅游(外汇)收入 631
International Tourism Receipts and Tourist Arrivals
9-4 入境外国游客分组构成  632
Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Sex, Age, Purpose and Mode of Transport
9-5 按国籍分入境外国游客  633
Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Nationality
9-6 国际旅游外汇收入构成  638
Breakdown of International Tourism Receipts
9-7 各地区国际旅游(外汇)收入  639
International Tourism Receipts by Locality
9-8 各地区接待入境过夜游客情况  640
International Tourists by Region
9-9 各地区入境过夜游客人均天花费额  641
Average Daily Per Capita Expenditure of International Tourists by Region
9-10 历年国内旅游情况  643
Major Statistics of Domestic Tourism
附 录
附录Ⅰ简要说明和主要统计指标解释  647
APPENDIXⅠBrief Introduction and Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
附录Ⅱ英文缩略语及符号  652
APPENDIX ⅡAbbreviations and Symbols in English

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